Hi! My name is Joshua Isaac Roberto. I was born supernaturally by the miracle of adoption to Ardy and Tingting Roberto when I was 7 months old. My name, Joshua, means "God saves" and I saved my Mama and Daddy from the heartache and longing for a child. Now we're a family! I found out that my Dad is a writer so I asked him to ghost write this blog for me while I try to get a bigger pair of typing hands.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Kid in the hood
There hasn't been much of a chance to wear these kind of hooded clothes and jackets in warm manila lately, so my Dad just asked me to wear this just for kicks. He thinks that I look very cute in this.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Surprise visit at Bruno's - my first haircut
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Paul Potts, my Momma and Dada and the surprise party
My Mom and Dad watched Paul Potts last October 8. That day happened to be my Momma's birthday as well.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A different perspective
The woman holding me upside down is the architect of what will be our new house.
She's my Godmommy too. Her name is Sharon and she's the sister of my Daddy.
Things look different when you're looking upside down.
A frown looks like a smile.
The floor looks like the ceiling.
Looking at things from the other side helps us not to judge things right away.
Space to run (well, walking very fast with my Daddy holding my hands) and crawl!
Good night. :-)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Whirlwind weeks of past
I just came back from my 4th swimming lesson since I entered my new life as a Roberto.
The past 3 weeks have been hectic.
My Dad read somewhere that kids, heck, babies today live lives of such complexity. My parents are reading a hundred and one books on how to turn me into a genius, a rock star, a mathematician, an Olympic swimmer and clown (they like it when I make them laugh) all at the same time.
Such are the pressures of living in the new world.
Come on.
I just turned 9 months old last September 17.
My Daddy and Mama actually made a big deal out of it by throwing an impromptu party at the office. (Yes, I've made quite a number of new friends who are much bigger and older than I am. They talk weird and try to make weird faces at me, but I don't bite into any of that. I'm too over that already.)
But it was very sweet of them to celebrate my 9th month.
Talk is in the air about my dedication and my 1st birthday. I hope I get some nice gifts. I wouldn't mind getting something that I could really sink my teeth into. My Daddy keeps on complaining when I bite him on the shoulder. I can't help it. My teeth are trying to bust out of my gums and it feels good when I can just rub and bite my teeth against some rubber or cloth covered fleshly limb.
Once, I bit my Daddy on the chest. He shouted in surprise and I guess, in much pain. He said I bit his man nipple and it stung like a blunt needle forced into a vein.
Ouch. That must have hurt.
Sorry Dad.
Well, that's about it. I have lots and lots of pictures to share. My Dad is very busy. I can tell by the mess on his desk. But it's nice also to know that he isn't bothered by the growing mound of paper on his desk surrounding his laptop. He's very game about playing train or choo choo with me. Mama spends about 100 hours a day just kissing my cheeks which she says looks like siopao. Whatever that is. I'm just a Cerelac kind of guy. And isn't Siopao made in China?
Watch out for that stuff. I overhead it in the news. Melamine in your milk is a drag.
'Till the next blog.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Swimming with the stars...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
my first swimming lesson with the olympian lozadas
my teeth were chattering.
the water was cold.
i was a model student.
the teacher's pet.
i was floating!
my first formal swimming lesson.
my dad taught me how to float already and here was my chance to show off...
pictures coming.
thanks to teachers pepper and angelo lozada for treating me to this swim class.
thank you Lord!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
mommy corrie is going to throw me a party!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My first encounter with rambutan, papaya and little dogs

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
My parents want to be advocates for adoption
They have this guy in the office, I think his name is Tito Gerry, who they say looks like me because he 's also "kalbo." They point to his head so I guess that means that he's also "pogi"? He he. Well, this guy and his wife don't have kids and they became excited about adopting when I came into the scene.
As I eavesdrop on their conversations, Mama says that maybe they should have adopted a long time ago. But my Dad, with his wisdom*, always says, "then we wouldn't have had Joshua as our son!" (Yeah, go Dad, go!)
My Mama gets all emotional again and kisses me all over my round face. Oh well.
(Oh yeah, that picture of me up there is one of their favorites. That's me with my post-fart smile...He he he.)
I guess I'm pretty happy about the effect that I've had in my parents' lives and hopefully in the lives of those who at least got to think about adopting also. I was one of the 1,000+ babies that was available for adoption in Manila--and I was almost adopted to some other country in Europe until my Daddy and Mama submitted their papers right in the nick of time. A day or two later, I was matched with them!
My social worker (whom I really love) at the Foundation (Kaisahang Buhay Foundation) processed and coordinated everything for me and my new parents were so happy about me being matched with my Daddy and Mama...
Anyway, I'm sure my Dad, being the blogger and writer that he is, will blog about it one day in his own blog--The Adoptive Dad.
And if you want to see my picture gallery, go to http://www.ardyroberto.multiply.com/
Sunday, August 17, 2008
My first vocalized words
I made my Mama so happy when I started saying that wonderful warm word a few days ago.
This afternoon, I clearly called out to her MAMA - MAMA - MAMA! Many many times. It's very easy to say. Perhaps God meant it that way that us babies say "Mama" first. They deserve it. (Of course, she's been teaching and pressuring me to say "Mama" since day one. And I finally did it!)
p.s. my Mama was beside my Daddy (my ghost writer) and she dictated this post to him. She's such a beautiful character
Restaurant review - Piadina, Greenbelt 1, Makati City
Hi, yes this is still baby Josh. And I'm going to write my very first review for the very first restaurant that I have dined in. Okay, I was just in the stroller beside my parents while they were eating but that should count.
While waiting for Mommy Corrie* and Lolo Ned, my Daddy Ardy and Mama Tat decided to get a quick bite at the casual dining Italian restaurant, Piadina owned by this once famouse model, Tessa and her Italian husband (according to my Mama who is always up to date, I think.)
Daddy tried the soup that came with Mama's set pasta meal, and boy did his eyes light up!
"Honey, let's let Josh try this..." said my Daddy.
He gave me about half a spoon and -- whoooaa! It was good. Like nothing I've ever tasted..especially since my whole gustatory experience has been milk formula and cerelac! Haaaay. That's the gourmet life of a 7 month old.
It was a simple, milky kind of vegetable soup. Very tasty (my Dad hopes it doesn't have any MSG or anything like that--most unlikely since this joint looks considerate and caring.)
Yes, my dear readers, I did finish the whole bowl. I was a good boy in my best behaviour. I did not bang the table like what I do when I'm at home and I want more cerelac...
Daddy and Mama finished their pasta and piadina and off we went. In half a minute, there was Lolo Ned and Mommy Corrie who had a bag of new clothes and stuff for me that she bought at Landmark.
I was getting really sleepy--it was past 8pm already--but I did my best to be sweet to my grandparents.
Mama Tat and then later on Daddy Ardy put me to bed and all is well with the world... I love you God! Thank You for putting me on this earth with my parents :-)
*Mommy Corrie is my Daddy's mother who doesnt' want to be called Lola because she looks too young and beautiful to be a lola (that's what she wanted 19 years ago when she had her first apo, so the name just stuck.) But she is really beautiful--a pretty sight for baby eyes like mine. Hee hee.
Post script - Piadina for seconds. The day after, we returned to Piadina when my Dad brought me out of the house for a walk. It started to rain as we were walking to go to the Legaspi park market so we rushed to Greenbelt instead. It was nearing noon and I sent my brain waves to Daddy to get me something to eat. He is such a receiver. Umm.
We had seconds. I shared it with my Dad. The picture above show's me with my eager, tender bear eyes, and pouted lips ready to be fed! Yummmy
Friday, August 15, 2008
that word "Pogi" and my dreams
Anyway, I hope it's good.
When I sleep and have what seems like a bad dream my Dad tells my Mom that he feels his heart crackle and snap wondering and worrying if my past is haunting me. Like memories of my being turned over by my birth mother to my foster parents.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Another day at the office
I played around with a tambourine that my dad handed to me and amused Nicole and some other girls.
Just another day at the office!
My first time dipping in the pool
I didn't know he was going to dip me into the pool but as soon as he took off my nappies, I knew that something was going on different. The water was frigging (oops, can I say that?) cold! I was shivering but my focus was on my yellow rubber duckie. I couldn't let him drown.
My body was beginning to shiver a bit so my Dad called it a day! Oh man. 10 minutes pa lang and the pool party was over. Oh well, I overheard him talk to his 'bro' Angelo (Lozada) something about swimming lessons this friday. Whuuuuu!
My Dad rocks! Ha ha.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Godmother Carol is here to visit Joshua
Ninang (Godmother) Carol is here at home visiting baby Joshua for the first time. She promised to be with us when we were going to pick him up, but she couldn't for one reason or another. She's forgiven because now she's here.
Adopting Joshua has been one of the most wonderful events/miracles/blessings/joys that we've experienced in our lives by far.
Tingting cried again this morning while we were having brunch when she realized that we almost did not push through with the adoption process because of the timing. She looked at me and with tears squeezing out of the corner of her eyes said, "Where would Josh be? We wouldn't have this baby boy...." And she cried some more.
Anyway, Ninang Carol spent the afternoon here playing with Josh. She's accepted him as if he came out of Tingting's tummy. That's our best friend, Carol. Actually, everybody else seems to have accepted him as if he were our own flesh and blood.
Here's our silent movie...